Past Projects
2015 – 2023

rebundance clp
Building on our precious experience of running THNK Creative Leadership Programs in Lisbon since 2015, in 2020, due to Covid 19, we shifted to our Rebundance brand to roll out 5 Creative Leadership Programs between 2020 and 2022.
During these challenging times, our programs allowed us to fine tune our offer, while reconnecting with what truly is important for us and recognising that we needed to redesign the core of the Rebundance program offer.
We also lost our Oceanário de Lisboa home and found many beautiful homes to inspire us during modules and learned to embrace a broader scope of emotions in participants and ourselves.
We celebrate the 32 participants who joined us for the creative leadership journey, their resilience, curiosity, and perseverance in taking care of one another.

bip zip
Since 2010, the city of Lisbon has distributed approximately 1,5 million Euros every year to support local initiatives in priority intervention territories. We were honored to be selected as one of the many projects to be rolled out during 2020 / 2021.
We were able to start our work in the neighborhoods around Monsanto forest, with the objective of shifting the mindset of locals a little more towards abundance. We introduced the gathering methodology of informal circles, created the co-lab program and were able to bring local leaders into our creative leadership program. The emergent project was a celebration in the Campolide Agroforest where, together we hanged the shading system that was generously donated by BOOM Festival.
We celebrate the collective learnings in the neighborhoods Bairro 2 de Maio, Bairro da Liberdade Serafina and Casalinho da Ajuda.

rede dlbc
Between 2021 and 2023, Rede DLBC invested approximately 4,5 million Euros in 34 local projects, supporting relevant initiatives in priority intervention territories. We were honored to be selected as one of these projects.
We deepened and broadened our work in the neighborhoods around Monsanto forest, and with locals we addressed the future of food and value flow in communities. We hosted 30 circles, ran two co-lab programs and were able to bring more local leaders into our creative leadership program. The emergent projects were the creation of agroforestry nests in Bairro Sete Moinhos and the first two iterations of the Food Evolution Program where 70 people participated.
We celebrate the collective learnings in the neighborhoods Bairro 2 de Maio, Bairro da Liberdade Serafina and Casalinho da Ajuda and the people this project allowed us to engage with.

thnk lisbon clp
We look back at the origin of Rebundance with deep gratitude to @thnkschool and to our partnership, as it led to 9 THNK Lisbon Creative Leadership Programs, which we rolled out from 2015 until 2020, embracing the life paths of 98 inspiring participants.
Within the partnership with THNK we were able to build our local team, with the help of an experienced international contingent, learn by doing and gain relevant know-how and experience in the field of shifting mindsets, and collaboration skills so that we all may embrace necessary transitions rooted in our very individual driving force.
We celebrate the 98 people who did the program, the friendships forged along the way, and the mutual care throughout and after each program.

In 2020 we created a cooperative, Chamar o Futuro, and were fortunate to be awarded two social grants (BIP Zip and Rede DLBC) between 2020 and 2023, which enabled us to focus on the priority social intervention territories around Monsanto Forest in Lisbon, and hosted 40 informal, neighbourhood (monthly) circles to engage locals in conversation about their needs and abundances.
The first series dwelled on the future of food and the second on exchange of value within the community.
We celebrate the 350 participants who joined us for these celebratory community moments and are deeply grateful for all our learnings.

mosaic salon
When Covid 19 changed the way we relate to one another, we hosted Mosaic Salon online gatherings, bringing people from various geographies together, celebrating and sharing their views on relevant topics, such as the future of resources, humanity, how we spend our time and cities.
These gatherings brought a safe and welcoming space to explore totally good futures, building on all the different perspectives brought by participants, while celebrating life with gratitude and respect. They included conversations, visioning, dancing, meditations and some presentations.
We celebrate the many inspiring people who joined Mosaic Salon during 2020 and 2021.

It was a privilege to design and roll out three “Orgrams” (programs tailored to organizations) with Turismo de Portugal, between 2018 and 2021. Bringing together transversal teams the program was a safe space to co-create and reassess the organization’s contribution to the sector and engage a wide scope of Tourism Sector Stakeholders to discuss future possibilities for tourism.
The third program allowed us to hold space for the teams to dream about a reality of Portugal without borders, offering inspiring thematic journeys for visitors.
We celebrate the 51 people who did these programs and stay connected and inspired.

Our Crafts are tools we created serve our open community of transformational leaders. The first Crafts tool is the deck of “REBUNDANCE Value Cards”.
These are meant to be a trigger to motivate meaningful conversations between sector Stakeholders and to build trust and promote collaboration towards a completely positive future. The second is the Totally Good Future is Written in Seeds Pouch, which you can hold close to your heart, as an inspiring metaphor for life, or plant the seeds and curate the ground they grow in, to contribute directly to the totally good future we desire!

thnk food talks
THNK Lisbon, together with Alice Ming and Ana Quintino organized the THNK Food Talks, in partnership with MIOSOTIS and BuggyPower. We wanted to enter the food system while addressing it as a challenge topic in our Leadership programs, thus the focus of these talks was the urban food life cycle and the aim to improve the resilience of urban food systems.
Three perspectives framed these talks: The circularity of food in the city – minimizing waste; Food that nurtures health – minimizing illness; Access to healthy food – minimizing hunger.
Our aspiration in these talks was to involve and get to know relevant stakeholders who can make a positive difference to the urban food life cycle, promoting broad health and prosperity. During the talks there was always healthy and tasty plant based finger food.

breakfast @ roca
In partnership with Roca, more specifically Roca Lisboa Gallery, we launched a series of open forum morning talks on various relevant societal topics, core to Lisbon, always inviting dialogue. During each session a healthy and surprising breakfast was served to participants. The format of the talks gave priority to conversation and questioning and the aim was to arrive at insights about the system and resilience in cities, with a bias towards the life cycle of water.
We invited inspiring people to talk about their societal proposals and had good open conversations on the topics. They became learning spaces, bringing many to join other Rebundance programs and events.

human habitat
Human Habitat lecture series was born from an invitation by Oceanário de Lisboa to address sustainability in cities, as it was understood that cities are key to the health of the Ocean and its living ecosystems. At the time our professional focus was sustainable construction and resilient cities, which meant we were a good partner to embark on this journey. We then hosted 60 Human Habitat lectures between 2010 and 2017, bringing inspiring people who challenged limiting beliefs and inspired audiences to act. Karl Henrik Robert, Duarte Cabral de Mello, Michael Braungart, Karim Benammar, Klas Tham, Timothy Beatley, Lia Vasconcelos, Bernard Fauconnier, Pedro Campos Costa, Clive van Heerden, Bas Verhart, Carlotta Perez, Edgar Kampers, Daniel Innerarity, were just a few among the inspiring people we invited to share their innovative thinking and daring projects with Lisbon audiences. We are grateful to all our partners that made this possible!
We celebrate the interesting movements and local projects that were born from these moments of inspiration.

sustainable construction living lab
One of the major challenges of the construction sector is cross-sector collaboration. Overall, architects stand on pedestals and don’t interact creatively with all relevant sector specialists, leaving decisions to a power game that serves no one in the long term.
The Sustainable Construction Living Lab was founded to find consensual solutions in the complex context realities. Lasting only 3 years, one of the major feats was… Thanking ADENE and more specifically Alexandre Fernandes, for the courage to invite addressing this topic in a sectorial and inclusive approach.

A long chapter (25 years – between 1987 and 2013) of designing, promoting and building dwellings that offer inhabitants healthy conditions and comfort all year round, without relying on polluting energy sources, as their envelope brings to the interior only those aspects of the climate that inhabitants need.
Publication of a book, more than 100 workshops and conferences and a website with open source downloadable technical information dedicated to this topic, attracted broad sectorial attention. The sector’s courage to implement fell short – so sustainable construction didn’t scale at that stage. We learned that shifting mindsets is the necessary first step, technical solutions with pilots and flagships the second step required for any change in practices.