Renewable Prosperity
Envisioning a Totally Good Future for all living beings

the future is not written in stone
We know that the Future is not written in stone, so we will only know it when we get there! And even if it were written in stone, we know that the softest water can, with persistence and time, shape the hardest stone, so what does this even mean?

the four dimensions
The Renewable Prosperity vision (as developed to date) builds on the following four dimensions, each addressing a relevant perspective on planetary resilience:
- Resources (how and which resources do we rely on to prosper?) total access to regenerative and renewable resources
- Time (how do we spend our time to live in peace?) freedom to explore what activities are meaningful to us
- Dignity (how is every living being included in our societal system?) total inclusion and collaborative interdependence
- Value Flow (how do we transact value with one another?) communities define the values they wish to honour
Taking responsibility individually and collectively on the intersection of all four
dimensions, promotes renewable, broad prosperity.
As our awareness of what is going on in the world becomes broader and goes beyond the intentional and prefabricated sensemaking that media throws at us, and although following public opinion is easier than questioning it, awareness of the possibility that we could be living in a much better societal system than we currently are emerges.
Questions: Is it possible to build a future that brings life with dignity to every living being on the planet? Is the planet able to host such a reality for everyone? Can we still get to this future if we start now? What does this future even look like?
More personal questions about how we might implicate ourselves: Can we channel all our life energy to a world that is totally good for every living being? What skills and tools do we need to commit to this continuously? Who do we need to support and who do we need to support us?

A system thinking approach to the Societal Creative System.
Illustration by Anita Tirone

The renewable and regenerative resources we need to live and prosper must become accessible to all living beings! It doesn’t take forensic exploration to conclude that in the Mediterranean climate region we have enough renewable and regenerative resources at our disposal to satisfy all the needs of all living beings to live and to prosper! We have abundant solar energy, fertile soils, water, talent, and attitude – and no lack of ancestral wisdom, new technologies, intuition, innovation, and navigation skills to make it possible for everyone to access all regenerative resources!
As stewards of this planet, might we commit to relying solely on renewable and regenerative resources to live our life and to prosper, starting today and in all dimensions? We can start with low-lying fruit, dimensions and actions that are easy, and then move on to more challenging shifts and transformations.
Paradigms are shifting from: Ownership to Stewardship

On Time (how do we spend our time to live in peace?)
Everyone of us needs to have the possibility to decide to spend most of our time on activities that deeply matter to us – this is the essence of freedom.
Unravelling our purpose and designing our vision of a Totally Good Future we can commit to, are key paths we need to walk to find the regenerative energy for transformation, as it is the tension between purpose and vision, which will nourish our motivation to act.
As stewards of freedom, might we commit to stay true to our purpose and allow others to do so also, starting today and in all areas of our action we can decide on?
Paradigms are shifting from: Scarcity to Time experienced in abundance

Every transaction we participate in, we foster growth of the core value our economy is built on: concentration of resource. This is the very reason we are unable to put an end to poverty. Although we have not given our consent, concentration of resource has been at the core of our way of life for far too long.
As stewards of broad prosperity, could this be the moment to empower communities to decide which are the values their transaction systems will serve? Is value not meant to be in continuous flow (as opposed to being stored in vaults), to bring broad prosperity to all?
Paradigms are shifting from: Gathered to generating prosperity

Every living being needs to know that they have a place with dignity in the abundant planetary ecosystem – if we are on this planet there is a contribution we are here to bring, no matter how relevant. It is important that our societal system provides inclusion, while promoting interdependency and synergy in the way we relate to one another.
As stewards of interdependency, might we commit to relate to others as we wish to be related to, by others, with dignity, starting today and in all areas of action we can influence?
Paradigms are shifting from: Earned to Assumed